My 1.6 VW engine is getting tired, so I have to do something. I have the choice between rebuilding my engine, buy a rebuild engine, OR
swap the engine to a watercooled one. Because the first to options where quite expensive AND the quality of engine
parts and rebuilds is getting worse, I decided for the watercooled one. It will cost me roughly the same (maybe a little less) then
the vw engine, but I would gain horsepower, smoother running (fuel injection) and it will produce less engine noise. Plus I would
have a heater without a slight smell of exhaust fumes. Another plus would be running the beetle on the freeway at 120 km/h knowing
that this engine should be able to do this without problems.
I decided to convert to an Alfa Romeo engine. Why? See the first link in my to-do list:
edit 30-04-2007:Click here for a video of the Alfa Romeo engine running.