This is a kit I once owned, it came with a batch of vw tools and parts I bought. I can’t use this on my double ported super beetle, so I sold it. I hope the new owner will install it on his vintage VW and have lots of fun with it!

This is a VW beetle engine tuning kit from the 1950’s! It’s a fairly simple kit, compared to a Judson Compressor, an Okrasa kits or a Mag compressor, but it did do something for your 30 hp engine. It not only improved your miles per gallon, it also improved the 0 to 100 km/h time with 3,5 seconds. Not bad for a kit that, in the fifties, costed 98,50 Deutsch Mark (compared to 249,50 Deutsch Mark for an Okrasa kit..). It’s fairly simple to install too.
It worked by adding an extra air-line next to the intake manifold. The air line has it’s own valve that’s connected to the throttle valve. The extra air provided for the engine plus a bigger jet in the carburettor gave the extra power.
Here’s a picture of what it would look like installed on an engine (this is on a Ghia):

(picture from TheSamba.com)
I don’t like the yellow tubes on this one… I believe the red ones (as the ones that are in my kit) would look a lot better.
This is a performance graph of the kit, on the left it’s the speed (in Km/h) and on the bottom is the time (in seconds):

The Contents of the kit
These are the parts of the kit:

There are three jets with the kit 122.5 , 125 and one without a size (?) on it.
This is a close up of the air-valve, I wonder what the red paint is for:

And these are the air-chambers that go under the intakemanifold (where it meets the head):

Notice the very small air-opening around the hole on the underside, that’s where the extra air is added.
It all came in this very pretty box….:

The Instruction Manual
Along with all the parts came the instruction “manual”. It consists of a manual of 3 pages, plus an extra added sheet, and an extra leaflet. Ohw…and, of course, it’s all in German:
Ik overweeg om zo’n Atogas-gerät aan te schaffen voor mijn 1960 Karmann Ghia 34hp. Echter ik kan nauwelijks informatie vinden of deze set zou ‘passen’. Ik vermoed dat de aansluitingen bij het inlaatspruitstuk bepalend zijn. Weet jij soms hoe dat zit?
Alvast dank en groet
Erwin B
Hoi Erwin,
Nee, sorry, dat kan ik je ook niet met zekerheid zeggen.
Ik zie wel dat er op de doos die ik had “30ps” staat, dus zal wel voor de 30hp motor zijn.
Heeft de 30hp motor hetzelfde inlaatspruitstuk als de 34hp?
De diameter hiervan zal wel bepalen of het wel of niet past.
Hi Gerrelt, dank voor je reactie.
Ik zal dat dan nog even verder moeten uitzoeken.
Grt. Erwin